School dropout cbi employee and her husband falsely claim that mosquitoes breed in wet soil

Now that the monsoon is over, and the plumbing in the house of the engineer in panaji, goa was damaged, there is almost no water in the house of the domain investor, yet the google, tata sponsored School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who looks like actress sneha wagh , and her chainsmoking husband falsely claim that mosquitoes breed in wet soil

Anyone who has studied biology, is aware of the fact that the mosquitoes only lay their eggs on stagnant water, and there is huge lake in the vicinity of the house of the google, tata sponsored School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina.

Instead of taking suitable precautions to prevent the mosquitoes breeding in the lake and creek nearby from entering their house, biting them, the goan governments favorite school dropout naina are falsing claiming that the mosquitoes are breeding in the few plants in the house of the domain investor.

The mosquitoes larvae are only surviving in water, they cannot survive in the soil, yet the school dropout and her hysterical chainsmoking husband continue to make fake allegations which are a figment of their imagination