Monster ntro employees led by j srinivasan do not face any professional or social censure for human rights abuses of harmless private citizens who are treated worse than animals
In India there are many organizations which are fighting for animals rights like PETA, there is no one fighting for prevention of cruelty to harmless indian citizens by the cruel animal like ntro employees like j srinivasan, who are wasting indian taxpayer money to cause them great pain daily using the latest torture equipment acquired by ntro
In a clear indication of the worsening condition of harmless educated women in India whose identity is ROBBED by ntro employees to enjoy free sex with tata supplied call girls, get jobs for their lazy greedy relatives, bribes, ntro is now using a new torture method for causing pain to the engineer
The domain investor is subjected to a new torture method, and she is experiencing pain at the back of her neck in panaji, goa
This forced her to purchase some caps, however they are not covering the area behind the neck
Monster ntro employee j srinivasan still refuses to acknowledge that he is doing something wrong, he has no right to torture a harmless private citizen without a legally valid reason using the latest wireless technology