Dogs used to block people on roads and issue death threats in panaji, goa by R&AW employee sunaina’s sister

In panaji, goa, young goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan’s sister has perfected the art of using dogs to block people and issue death threats.

Usually it is difficult to meet a person and issue death threats, the phone call will be disconnected, a person will not let anyone hostile enter their house and they will also not go for any meeting if they suspect that the person is hostile

So sunaina’s sister is loitering on the road in panaji, goa, pretending to take the dog for a walk, while she is actually waiting to block the path and issue death threats to the domain investor who she hates
When sunaina’s hysterical sister spots the domain investor, she uses her dog to block the road, and then issues threats.
On 7 december 2019, R&AW employee sunaina’s sister was about to physically assault the domain investor, the domain investor told her that if she tried to even touch her, she would file a police complaint. She was also not letting the domain investor go away using her dog. Finally after ranting and issuing a death threat, the hysterical dog owner allowed the domain investor to leave

the domain investor is a peace loving citizen who does not harm or threaten anyone, yet the goa security agencies are falsely labelling the domain investor a security threat for the last 10 years to deny her fundamental rights, rob her correspondence. On the other hand, raw employee sunaina, and her sister are issuing death and violence threats repeatedly in panaji, goa against the domain investor , yet no action is taken against them at all.