India is the only country which falsely claim that DOG OWNERSHIP is domain ownership to pay google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan monthly raw salary at the expense of the kshatriya single woman domain investor

Brahmin NTRO employees j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet PAMPER, REWARD their lazy greedy goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina chodan, falsely claiming that DOG OWNERSHIP is domain ownership to get her monthly raw salary at the expense of their btech 1993 ee classmate

Indicating the massive levels of fraud in the indian internet sector, google, tata have allegedly BRIBED the indian, goa government to falsely claim that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan who does not spend any money on domains is a domain investor, to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer, only because slim goan bhandari fraud sunaina has pet dogs who will ensure that no one enters the house to check whether she is making FAKE CLAIMS of computer work for the last 8 years
Panaji’s top goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan is least interested in investing money in domains, spending time managing them, yet taking advantage of the great HATRED of the powerful LIAR brahmin ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet, who are sunaina’s LOYAL DOGS, for the real domain investor, a kshtriya single woman engineer, sunaina, her pimps and relatives like pritesh chodankar, are making fake claims of domain ownership since 2012

Like sunaina’s pet dogs on whom money is spent for food, healthcare, money has to be spent annually on domain renewals, which sunaina is least interested in doing though she has plenty of money. R&AW employee sunaina , like brahmin nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees has plenty of money for her hobbies, clothes, pet dogs, no money for domains, yet in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD,?indian, goan government continues to make fake claims about domain ownership, DUPING people, countries and companies worldwide with its domain ownership lies , CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the kshatriya single woman domain investor