Demand for pet animals for movies, videos, television serials

Keeping pet animals can be a very lucrative hobby for some, as there is a lot of demand for pet animals for movies, videos and television serials .
In India, the wealth of a person does not depend on his or her ability, honesty, work ethic, it depends to a large extent on how well connected the person is, the relationship with the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies. So if a person is well connected, he or she can make plenty of money with relatively less effort, and these people lead a very lavish life, splurging when celebrating events like weddings, parties and anniversaries
They are willing to pay a huge amount for making any event very unique
So for novelty the event planners or event management company will often include animals as part of their routine or show. Most of these animals are sourced from pet owners who are paid a daily amount or a fixed amount for the duration of the shoot or use of animals
In addition to dogs, cats, pigeons are also often in demand
For example in a newspaper classified ad in a goan newspaper, the advertiser wanted six white pigeons for some time. There are many pigeons in goa, however most of the pigeons are grey pigeons unlike mumbai, where white pigeons are more likely to be spotted
So owners of exotic pets can make some money leasing these pets for shows and other events.

R&AW employee sex worker sunaina’s pet dog attacks elderly vegetable/fruit vendor

Though she is getting a monthly R&AW salary for faking ownership of domain names, including this one for more than 3 years, google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina is extremely miserly and refuses to pay the market price or annual expenses for domain names, websites.
However due to the monthly R&AW salary gifted to her by google, tata, the pampered panaji raw employee sunaina has plenty of money to keep pet dogs and she has two different pet dogs, both brown and white in colour, though of different breeds

Dog owners are responsible for any activity of the dog, especially when the dog will bite others. An elderly vegetable/fruit vendor who must be over 60 years in age, who is selling fruits and vegetables in campal and other areas, complained that R&AW employee sex worker sunaina’s pet dog had attacked her , due to which she had to take a number of injections.

So now google, tata sponsored R&AW employee sex worker sunaina and her family are keeping their pet dog locked inside the house, when they are away, so that he will only bark, not bite harmless innocent people

Dogs are high maintenance pets

While apartment complexes have elaborate security, many people living in stand alone houses are keeping a pet dog, especially if they are very wealthy. Compared to birds and fish, dogs are very high maintenance pets and cannot live for long alone, if they are only provided food and the required care
Though she is getting a monthly R&AW salary for faking ownership of domain names, including this one for more than 3 years, google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina is extremely miserly and refuses to pay the market price or annual expenses for domain names, websites.
However due to the monthly R&AW salary gifted to her by google, tata, the pampered panaji raw employee sunaina has plenty of money to keep pet dogs and she has two different pet dogs, both brown and white in colour, though of different breeds
The dog owner has to spend a lot of time taking the dog for a walk, usually at least twice a day . Additionally the dog has to be provided protein rich food, which may not be easily available in a home where vegetarian food is being cooked, so the dog owner has to specially purchase fairly expensive dog food from the pet store. Compared to metro cities, far more people in goa have pet dogs, so there are more pet stores.
The dog owner also has to take the dog to a vet periodically for vaccinations, deworming and other health problems if required.

Demand for earthworms

While most status conscious people like to keep their garden spick and span, one of the advantages of organized stalking is that after some time, the victim will stop caring and do whatever he or she wishes to.
A lot of flora and fauna flourishes in a garden which is not well maintained, and one of the most in demand naturally occuring creatures is the earthworm. During monsoon many people are fishing in the nearby lake and they usually use earthworms as a bait. Some of them have a relative or associate dig the soil in the neighboring are to find earthworms
Earthworms are used in gardening for making the soil fertile and instead of sweeping the fallen leaves, it is better to let them accumulate so that the earthworms, snails and other creatures convert the fallen leaves into soil
The earthworms can also be used to feed fish , birds and other pet animals
As ntro, cbi are regulating and blocking all online payment, income of a google competitor whose resume, investment they have stolen for 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees like indore document robber veena , instead of investing more time and money online,only to have everything sabotaged, it is better to experiment with breeding earthworms, finding potential buyers

Crows, corruption and cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina

When people have too much money they end up wasting it and creating a nuisance for others. Though the google, tata sponsored cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons from panaji, goa does not spend any money online and does not do any work online, her powerful boyfriend parmar, who is infatuated with her, got her a cbi job falsely claiming that she owned the websites, domains of a domain investor, and google competitor.
Because of the monthly cbi salary gifted to her by google, tata and the indian government for stalking a google competitor, the eighth standard gujju housewife has plenty of money and wastes it making more food than what she and her family could eat, almost daily unlike the family of the google competitor who rarely throw away unwanted food as they do not get free money from the indian government for fraud, stalking.
daily the cbi employee gujju housewife naina is feeding the excess food to the crows creating a nuisance to her neighbours. Instead of putting the excess food in her own compound so that the crows will gather in her own compound, naina and her husband are keeping the food on the boundary wall with the neighbours creating a problem, as the crow droppings are damaging the property of the neighbour, who has limited money and is unable to paint the damaged property annually

If cbi and the indian government stopped wasting indian tax payer money on cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina who is faking online work and domain investment, she would be more careful cooking food and not feeding crows daily, causing a problem to people in the area.