In Goa, officials ignore mosquitoes in lakes, creeks, harass home owners for water in pots

It is a well known fact that the lakes,ponds and creeks are used by mosquitoes for breeding worldwide. For example, anyone walking around Powai lake,in Mumbai, would often be completely surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes which are visible to everyone
Yet in a clear case of misplaced priorities, the officials in panaji, goa are ignoring the fact that mosquitoes breeding in lakes and creeks in Panaji, are the most likely source of dengue causing mosquitoes, and harassing home owners, insisting on inspecting their home, falsely claiming that the mosquitoes are breeding in the water in the pots for plants

There is very less water in a plant pot and it evaporates in a few days, so the mosquito larvae cannot flourish, when the water evaporates, they also die . Yet the officials are insisting on inspecting the terrace of homes , which is a clear case of invasion of privacy

Earlier also St Inez Creek was linked to a dengue outbreak, why target homes