Dog bite statistics

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Though dogs are the most popular pets worldwide, many people are scared of going near dogs because they may bite them. Dog bites are painful, can cause infection and in some cases are fatal, resulting in death. The Dog bite statistics released by the Center for Disease Control in the United States (US) indicate that approximately 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs in the United States every year. Out of these about 800,000 of these dog bite victims will require medical help. There are more than 78 million dogs in the United States. Hence people would like to find out why dogs bite and What should you do if you get bit by a dog.

Since there are a large number of dog breeds whose size and bite varies, the damage caused when a dog bites will also vary greatly. Statistical data indicates that certain types of dogs are more like to bite, and these are Chihuaha, Bull Dog, Pit Bull, German and Australian shepherd dog, Lhasa Apso. Though small dogs may bite often they cause minor injuries. For approximately 80% of the dog bites, the injuries are not significant, so medical help is not required. It is observed that dogs who are not neutered or spayed are likely to be more aggressive and cause dog bites. Postal service employees are likely to be bitten by dogs due to the nature of their job, and more than 6200 employees suffered from dog bites in 2017

Dogs will usually bite when they are scared, threatened or face a stressful situation. They may also bite to protect themselves, their puppies or the owner. The dog may also bite if it is startled or not feeling well. The treatment of the dog bite depends to a large extent on the damage caused by the dog bite. In some cases, it may be a superficial bite on the surface of the skin, while in other cases, there may be a lot of damage to the skin, tendons, and bleeding. The treatment also depends if the victim is familiar with the dog, the history of the dog is unknown or a stray dog.