Though indore’s top cheater raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena has never invested money in domains, does no computer work and has no online income, the GREEDY CHEATER madhya pradesh government like goa,haryana, gujarat, karnataka is openly involved in online, financial fraud on some online exporters like the domain investor owning this website to get the indore cheater deepika/veena a monthly government salary faking domain, bank account ownership
To cover up the financial fraud, government SLAVERY, CYBERCRIME the hardworking single woman is criminally defamed using a combination of fake allegations of security threat, black money and cheating without any proof.
The greedy liar mp officials are experts in manipulating the government system and this online, financial fraud has continued for 13 years without being questioned. though the state has plenty of money to import expensive cheetahs from namibia, it does not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase the domains, which the wealthy indore fraud raw employee deepika/veena falsely claims to own, especially the .in domains and gets a monthly government salary while the real domain investor is making a huge loss.
Slowly karma is catching up with the state, and another expensive imported cheetah has died according to media reports, due to heart attack. While times of india carries the news of all the activities of the imported cheetahs in great detail, it refuses to cover the animal like behavior of the top government employees in madhya pradesh, ruthless in their financial fraud, criminal defamation of small online exporters to steal their resume after destroying their reputation.
Month: April 2023
Like Madhya pradesh resume theft of engineers, investors from outside the state,imported cheetahs also wandering outside
Times of India has been reporting almost daily on the activities of the imported Kuno cheetahs in the state of madhya pradesh, how these cheetahs are wandering outside the sanctuary in the farmland. Their reporter has forgotten to mention that the imported cheetahs are only following the footsteps of their host state , madhya pradesh , whose officials are wandering outside the state to steal the identity, data of vulnerable citizens, professionals and investors like the domain investor owning this website to get lucrative no work, no investment, central government jobs for housewives in the state.
The domain investor has never visited madhya pradesh, she has no professional connection, yet the madhya pradesh government officials are like the Kuno cheetahs targetting her to steal her identity, data and get lucrative no work, no investment government job for indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does not invest money in domains at all.
while the forest department officials are trying to persuade the cheetahs to stop wandering outside, there is no one in india to stop the madhya pradesh government and other states like goa, haryana, gujarat from stealing the identity, resume of investors from outside the state to get lucrative housewives central government jobs since the salary money will be spent or invested only in madhya pradesh
Imported cheetah straying into villages in madhya pradesh
Though the CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government has got indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary since 2010 FAKING domain ownership, it refuses to purchase the domains legally, instead using FAKE RUMORS, SLANDER, CYBERCRIME to get indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer who has been CRIMINALLY DEFAMED by the CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government ,
The CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government has plenty of money to import expensive cheetahs from namibia, yet refuses to purchase domains legally for indian’s top domain fraudster indore raw employee deepika/veena
Now karma is catching up with CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government for its FINANCIAL FRAUD, human rights abuses, government SLAVERY of the single woman engineer as imported cheetahs are now wandering into villages in madhya pradesh and times of india is regularly carrying the news of the activities of the cheetah
Instead it should also carry the news of the mp government domain ownership fraud which like greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel is FAKING domain ownership to get a monthly government salary